Recipes & Food

Oh Christmas Time

I am just getting more and more excited for Christmas. Greg and I have been shopping up a storm. Good grief.

I know I am letting down the female side by saying this, but I am absolutely OVER shopping and shopping malls.

I have finally finished all my shopping.

G and I sat down with rolls of gift wrapping and sticky tape. We put on some old jazz, lit candles and wrapped and wrapped….and wrapped. 15 rolls of wrapping paper later and we were done. We have a mountain of gifts for everyone and when we stood back to look at it… we may have over done things a little bit.

I like to think that we are blessed that we’re able to spoil the people who mean the world to us. Each gift has been carefully thought out and we’ve also bought a few gifts for charities too.

It is also our first Christmas together and I can’t wait! 3 incredible families are coming together: The Bruyn’s (my sister’s boyfriends family), The Parkin’s (Greg’s family) and The Schneider’s. We’re doing a Christmas lunch and it’s going to be a full house with lots and lots of food as everyone is bringing a dish. I am responsible for the mince pies and not the store bought ones… the home-made-Bailey-baked Mince Pies. May the baking Angels smile on me 😉


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