Browsing Tag:


  • What to Give Your Host

    When you’ve been invited for dinner or an event, you should always bring the host a small thank you gift.

    / February 26, 2018

    I personally love giving gifts… I like to buy something that I think the person will really enjoy and my favourite…

    / October 26, 2017
  • Gift Ideas

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I especially love gift shopping, well, let me clarify.

    / December 14, 2016
  • Take Charge

    I was a very lucky and spoilt girl yesterday! It started at the 2Oceansvibe Radio studios where Jana from Brandnew…

    Fashion, Lifestyle
    / November 21, 2014
  • Baby Shower

    Some of you may have read this blog post when I posted it and some of you may have missed…

    / September 9, 2014
  • My Favourites

    Here are a few of my favourite things: I am loving my Thomas Sabo starfish necklace and ring. It’s extremely…

    Fashion, Recipes & Food
    / February 13, 2014
  • Sox Birthday 2014

    On Friday the 31st of January, it was Socrates special day! I was so excited to be celebrating his birthday…

    / February 2, 2014

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