Every now and then I feel like something sweet and since I’m Banting and on my personal 12 week challenge, I wanted to find something that was perfect for a sweet tooth but actually good for you.
I have seen a few recipes floating around on Pinterest and my good friend, Misha blogged her recipe here.
I’ve adapted the Pinterest recipes and Misha’s based on the ingredients I had and my cravings.
250g Pitted Dates
Sunflower seeds
Chia Seeds
Pecan Nuts
2 Tbsp of Almond Butter (You can use store bought, but I actually made my own – click here for my Almond Butter recipe.)
Desiccated Coconut – enough to roll the balls generously around in.
Food processor or NutriBullet (use the milling blade.)
Baking paper
I haven’t put amounts by the cinnamon, seeds and nuts because I didn’t measure them out exactly I just guess-timated.
Add all the ingredients, except for the coconut into your food processor/NutriBullet. You can add the almond butter too or add it last, like I did.
Once it’s in a crumbly mixture…
Add your tablespoons of almond butter and mix…
Sprinkle some of the desiccated coconut into a shallow dish…
Scoop out some of the mixture and roll it into a ball. If your mixture is too dry, add a little water or even coconut oil and if it’s too wet, add more seeds.
Roll your date ball in the coconut…
Place the date balls onto a dish lined with baking paper and refrigerate.
You can add almost anything you like… Whey protein powder, cacoa nibs, goji berries, coconut oil, different seeds and nuts and I am definitely going to play around with this recipe and make different versions to keep my sweet tooth satisfied.
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