Can we take a breath please? How is it the 26th of February already? Is this going to be another year…
The best thing about birthdays is that the celebrations get extended over a few days! On Saturday morning, 2 of…
When I flew to JHB 6 weeks ago, it was for my Godson, Gabriels 1st birthday. I landed in torrential…
Today is my little sister, Tandi’s birthday. It’s weird to call her my little sister, because it instantly makes me…
A good friend, Alon Kowen, invited us onto his boat to watch the SCA Ladies Team arrive in Cape Town…
Tis the season and it is busy! I’m so grateful! For some reason I am far more productive the busier…
I officially need to find new friends. Just kidding. I only say this because they are going to bankrupt me…
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