
Mauritius Journal Day 1

I’m baaack! I cannot believe how much we did in 5 days plus 2 days of the actual traveling. We explored, tasted, smelled, felt and fell in love with the beautiful island Mauritius and our resort, Long Beach.

Greg and I kept a travel journal and I’ve decided that instead of just doing one crammed blog post that truly wouldn’t do the trip justice, I’m going to spread the blog posts over the next few days complete with pictures. We took 1 224 photographs to be exact. Um… don’t worry… I’m not going to show you all 1 224. That would make me like one of those annoying people who invite you to a 3 hour slide show of their holiday … which is tempting… but I wont!

I hope you’ll enjoy the next few days as I open the pages of our journal for you.

Day 1: Thursday 24 November 2011. 

Like a little girl on Christmas morning, I woke up at 5am. I just couldn’t sleep anymore. I even did the “happy dance” and woke Greg up, who very groggily joined in.

We finished packing, my mom arrived to say good bye and my dad arrived to take us to the airport. We loaded the bags, Greg pretending like I had over packed and was having to lift two dead bodies into the car. Cheeky.

We arrived at the airport in great time and checked in at Air Mauritius. A representative of the airline welcomed us and told us that we were to please enjoy the Air France lounge before our flight. We headed off to passport control, said goodbye to my dad and headed through. The excitement just kept growing. We perused Duty Free, bought a travel journal, a 16GB Memory card for my beloved camera and then headed through to the Air France Salon Lounge.

I picked up a copy of the French: Madame Figaro and the Fair Lady. Greg picked up the newspaper and then we helped ourselves to some quiche, croissants and 2 glasses of champagne. It was fantastic.

We boarded at 12:35 and headed for paradise.

1 movie, a couple of chapters of our books and a doze later, we landed. We had to set our watches 2 hours ahead of South African time.

Mauritius has a unique smell to it. It’s spicy and humid. It’s so welcoming and we were met with a smile and a board with our names on it.

We were treated to a one hour drive via the Highway (which had plenty of round abouts) by our driver, Ram, whose humble, positive and honest nature filled us with light. He unselfishly told us all about his country while driving slowly (Island style.)

We arrived at Long Beach on the East Coast, in Belle Mare. Words fail us both. I feel so blessed to be able to witness this beauty and warmth, that I feel a little emotional. Greg just kept squeezing my hand as we were whisked into what seemed like a dream.

Long Beach resort is unique, incredible, majestic, eco friendly and nothing like I have ever experienced in my life. In fact it is so wonderful, I’m going to write a blog post on it later this week.


We were taken down to Le Marche for a buffet style dinner, watched some magnificent fireworks and then we were escorted to our breathtaking superior room complete with patio and sea view (although we couldn’t see it just yet because it was 10pm.) We were in awe as we looked around our spacious room, decorated so beautifully in white with accents of green.

Chocolates, macaroons, rum and fresh pieces of pineapple as a welcome gift in our room

We unpacked quickly and then headed out to explore a little.  It was party time at Bombora Disco, where we ordered a never ending Pineapple Daquiri and a Phoenix (a Mauritian beer) and danced until my body begged for sleep.

Day 2 coming tomorrow…

  1. I’d strongly recommend you call World Leisure Holidays now on 0860 954 954 to book your trip. You’ll see why tomorrow and the next day… and the next…

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