
Baby G Update

I’m writing this from a hospital bed, in the Maternity ward. My hand has a drip in it, which is making typing a little more challenging. I can hear the cheerful nurses outside attending to someones ringing bell, a newborn baby is crying and I can hear the birds chirping outside my window.

I, however, am not here to give birth. Well, let’s hope it’s not today, please.

Early on Monday morning at around 2am, I woke up with severe cramping in my lower abdomen and pelvic area. It ran all the way around my lower back and then down my leg. I wasn’t sure if it was a nerve, so I tried to change positions in bed. Eventually the pain was so bad, I couldn’t lie down or sit, so I started pacing in our bedroom, in the dark. The pain would then subside for a few minutes, I’d climb back into bed, but minutes later the pain would come back and stronger.

Since I have no idea what to expect, I was wondering if it was contractions? I haven’t experienced Braxton Hicks yet and apparently they aren’t meant to be sore. This carried on for about 40 minutes.

I don’t know why I allowed myself to get to 40 mins of pain… I think, as women, we tend to not want to over react or be dramatic. It’s so silly.

Eventually, I woke Sox up and told him that something was wrong and we needed to get to hospital. Poor guy jumped out of bed so fast! At that point, the pain was so severe it made me involuntarily vomit. I wasn’t nauseous, but my body reacted this way to the pain and since I didn’t have anything to throw up, it was bile and saliva. Lovely.

The irony is that on the Friday, I had this thought that I should start getting the items I need for my hospital bag ready and now here I was kicking myself for not listening to my gut. Sox helped me get into a dress quickly and off we rushed. I took nothing with me and I even forgot my cellphone.

Sox auditioned for Fast and the Furious 9 – even though he was super cautious in getting us to the hospital and it’s amazing when you’re in pain, how you feel every bump. Roads that are usually smooth, suddenly feel like you’re off road. I took a bowl in the car with me and continued vomiting each time the pain got unbearable. I felt dizzy.

We got to Emergency and a wheelchair was rushed out for me and off we went. They checked me for urinary and kidney infections, but everything came back clear, as I had expected. I knew it was the Fibroid. My Gynae had warned me that this could happen and he said I would know all about the pain if the Fibroid started to bleed or squash. I just wasn’t sure what this meant for the baby and of course I was really scared.

I didn’t know what to do with myself… I couldn’t lie, I couldn’t sit, I couldn’t stand… it was unbearable. They popped me on a drip with Panado. Panado! I wanted to laugh… but when your body hasn’t been getting anything, it’s pretty pure and something that ordinarily would have been like taking smarties for me, started working within 10 minutes. They also strapped my belly up to a monitor to ensure I wasn’t having contractions and also to monitor Baby G’s heartbeat and ensure he wasn’t under any stress. It was a relief to hear his solid, strong heartbeat and even though I was in so much pain, he wasn’t in any distress at all. It made me feel so much better. My amazing little boy!

As the drip took affect, I finally managed to find a comfortable position and they eventually moved me from Emergency to the Maternity Ward. Sox stayed over and actually climbed into my hospital bed with me. My Gynae woke us both up at around 7am. It was such a funny moment. Sox jumped up and we both acted like busted, naughty teenagers for being in the same bed. It was so ridiculously funny. He arranged a wheelchair and I was wheeled to his rooms for a scan to see what was happening.

In a nutshell:

Make 2 fists and put them together side by side. 1 fist is Baby G’s head. The other fist is my Fibroid. The Fibroid has grown another cm – it’s now 7cm. Baby G is in the perfect position for natural birth (Murphy’s Law), low down at my cervix and pelvis. As Baby G continues to grow, his head is putting pressure on the Fibroid that has nowhere to go, so it will either start to bleed (immense pain) or worst case scenario burst, in which case, the pain will be so severe I’ll probably need to be in ICU and Baby G will need to be born as an emergency.

The pain I felt was just the pressure of his head pressing on it and squashing the Fibroid. I don’t want to know what it must feel like if it bursts.

We have been wanting to do a C-section at 38 weeks, 22 June, but with this situation now, my Gynae has said we need to be realistic and prepare for a 34 week birth. I have been given a cortisone injection, as an insurance policy. It helps speed up the development of his lungs, if he does come earlier. I want to cry because the pregnancy alone has been a textbook pregnancy, according to my doc. Baby G is healthy and ahead of his growth curve. At 29 weeks and 5 days he weighs 1.7kgs. He is in the perfect natural birthing position and I couldn’t be more grateful for a healthy pregnancy. The problem is me and my condition of the Fibroid and whether I will be able to continue carrying him as I manage the pain and whether the Fibroid behaves or not.

It is very frustrating being so helpless. There is nothing anyone can do. I feel very emotional about it, but I am doing my best to stay positive and praying that everything will be as it’s meant to be and that he will come out when it is his right time!

I’m receiving my second cortisone injection just now for Baby G’s lungs and then hopefully being discharged. I have to say the staff and nurses at Medical Clinic Cape Town have been unbelievable and it’s made me feel comfortable and good to know I’ll be so well cared for, when I am back here to birth Baby G.

Oh and the hospital food is actually really good… I’m being placed on bed rest to take the pressure off my cervix and pelvis, and it will feel good to go home, shower, get into fresh pajamas and get into my own bed.

Tomorrow I’m 30 weeks and I’m praying for a longer pregnancy! Sox and my Mantra has always been: Everything is exactly as it should be!

Positivity all the way!


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  • Reply renay

    Sending you lots of love and a big hug. You and baby are in my prayers.

    April 25, 2017 at 10:19 am
  • Reply Marina

    Good Luck Bailey!!! Staying positive with you and sending you loads of positive energy. Please rest as doctor has said. Praying all will be okay.

    April 25, 2017 at 10:21 am
  • Reply SheBeeGee

    Oh my darling! I have been there, in this position you’re in, twice. It’s the worst – the not knowing. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it’s so awful and the attention is so unwanted I can imagine. I hope the fibroid behaves itself and that there’s no more pain and that you stretch for a few more weeks to give a healthy birth.

    The one silver lining I can point out is that it makes you bond with Baby G even more and allows you and Sox to get your first taste of parenthood together, solidifying your partnership and marriage even further.

    Thinking of you and sending you so much love and positive vibes xoxoxo

    April 25, 2017 at 10:25 am
  • Reply katef

    Thinking of you, Sox and Baby G xxxxxxxxx Will also send lots of prayers xxxxxxx

    April 25, 2017 at 10:48 am
  • Reply Rabia

    Good Vibes Only Bailey. It IS all happening as it should.

    April 25, 2017 at 10:53 am
  • Reply Megan Hartwig

    I am praying for you to have a full recovery soon. Take care of yourself, and get all the rest that you need to get back to normal. xx

    April 25, 2017 at 11:05 am
  • Reply Tanya

    Wishing you lots of light and love Bailey! Take care of yourself and baby G and I hope all goes well. Hang in there xxx

    April 25, 2017 at 11:12 am
  • Reply Christelle

    Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers and sending loads of hugsxx

    April 25, 2017 at 11:16 am
  • Reply Michelle

    Oh Bailey
    Everything will be okay
    Take care of yourself
    I love that hospital was in there for a laparoscopy staff and nurses excellent very helpful and caring
    Lots of love

    April 25, 2017 at 11:22 am
  • Reply Michelle

    Oh Bailey
    Everything will be okay
    Take care of yourself
    I love that hospital was in there for a laparoscopy staff and nurses excellent very helpful and caring
    Lots of love

    April 25, 2017 at 11:22 am
  • Reply Cheryl Humphries

    Must of been very scary for you all? Speedy recovery Bailey, take care of yourself & Baby G & plenty of rest xxxxx Sending love & prayers xx

    April 25, 2017 at 11:25 am
  • Reply GAYLE

    Sending all my love, hugs and prayers to you, Sox and Baby G xoxo

    April 25, 2017 at 12:24 pm
  • Reply Brenda

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    April 25, 2017 at 2:14 pm
  • Reply Shaney Vijendranath

    Take it easy!

    April 25, 2017 at 2:22 pm
  • Reply Louise

    I really hope and pray you get to keep baby G in there as long as possible. I am so sorry for the pain you experienced, that must have been scary and terrible. I hope the Fibroid doesn’t rupture. Praying for you.

    April 25, 2017 at 5:26 pm
  • Reply Hayley

    Oh Bailey…thinking of you!
    But do know, that if he arrives at 34 weeks, he will be just fine. Harper and Jack arrived then – and the NICU’s at the Mediclinics are amazing – you have nothing to worry about 🙂
    Stay put little man!

    April 25, 2017 at 6:19 pm
  • Reply Rubyletters

    Oh honey!
    I can only imagine how traumatic and scary this all is. But I know Baby G is going to be just fine. Keeping all three of you in my prayers. Be strong! Take it easy! Sending lots of love! Xxxx

    April 25, 2017 at 6:20 pm
  • Reply Robyn

    Hi Bailey And Sox
    I have been following your pregnancy journey with such excitement!
    So sorry to hear you are going through such a rough patch, sending loads of love and light.
    So, I was born at 30 weeks, I weighed 1kg and spent two months in NICU. That was 30 years ago (this Saturday 29th April will be my 30th birthday!) I can tell you prem babies are such fighters! I am holding thumbs and crossing fingers and toes that you will be able to hold out for week 34!
    I know you trust that your doc will make the right decision for you AND baby G!
    Now for some rest time

    Sending all the love

    April 26, 2017 at 4:52 am
  • Reply Caitlin Jean

    Random question… Have you named the Fibroid?
    Sending positive vibes from the Middle East.

    April 26, 2017 at 5:53 am
  • Reply Vanilla Blonde - MamaMeah Khaki Drape Dress (and the Lumpy Bump) - Vanilla Blonde

    […] cannot thank you enough for reaching out and sending Sox, Baby G and I so much love after yesterdays post! You’ve made Sox and I feel very lucky to have such wonderful support and it really means a […]

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  • Reply Naidene Cooper

    All the best! Praying that baby G can stay in a little longer. Take it easy! xo

    April 26, 2017 at 6:24 am
  • Reply Jodie

    Thinking of you!

    April 26, 2017 at 6:26 am
  • Reply Rachel Goldstuck

    Thinking of you all. Both of my kids were born at 35 weeks and are totally fine.
    I spent 7,5 weeks on bed rest at home and as difficult as it was, knowing that I was doing all I could to keep baby safe and in helped.
    The NICU can be intense and emotional but know that they have baby’s best interests at heart.

    April 26, 2017 at 7:24 am
  • Reply Siobhan

    Sending you love and prayers that everything goes ok, even if unplanned… xxxxx

    April 26, 2017 at 7:26 am
  • Reply Yolanda Marais

    Praying that Baby G stays in his warm bed for another 8 weeks at least!! Its all going to be ok. Good luck and keep positive!

    April 26, 2017 at 7:59 am
  • Reply Cheryl

    Hi Bailey, if this is any comfort, my son was born at 35 weeks………I had my own crazy complications too but these little guys are such fighters. They are incredible. My little guy was super strong and even though he was so early, his lungs were 100%. He was only kept in hospital for the antiobiotics to run its course. 7 years later, you would never know he was prem!
    Stay strong and rest. Let everyone else be bossed around. This is your time now and Baby G’s and know you will be in our prayers.

    April 26, 2017 at 8:12 am
  • Reply Caley

    Sending you so much love and prayers my friend. Rest and take it easy as best you can when you get home.
    After weeks of bed rest, I can confirm that it really does wonders to ease that pressure and benefit Baby in every way. Praying for you all x

    April 26, 2017 at 8:14 am
  • Reply Janel Sunderlall

    Oh gosh. I remember these in and out of hospital when I was pregnant. Get well soon.

    April 26, 2017 at 8:17 am
  • Reply Jessica

    All the best Bailey! I so recall being in and out of hospital with my past two pregnancies… I have no knowledge regarding a fibroid. It does sound extreme!
    Hang in there, and enjoy the rest x

    April 26, 2017 at 10:11 am
  • Reply Natasha Viljoen

    Sending you lots of prayers for the safety of you and Baby G!

    April 26, 2017 at 10:47 am
  • Reply Wedaad

    Bailey and Sox, I was super emotional reading your post and then I read your mantra at the end ‘everything is exactly as it ahould be’ and thought ‘yes, stay positive, God watches us closely and not everything is in our control… we have to stay positive and pray and believe that everything always works out and happens exactly as God has it planned for us!’ I remember my last few weeks of pregnancy, feeling anxious and always just wanting the best for baby… try not to be too stressed, God has this covered:) sending loads of love, cannot wait to meet baby G, we should be home for a week in July, so am inviting myself over:)

    April 26, 2017 at 10:48 am
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