Lifestyle, Travel

2 Years in Cape Town

2 years ago today I drove into Cape Town to embark on my new adventure. I can’t quite believe it’s been 2 years already and I also can’t believe it’s only been 2 years! Time flies when you’re having fun and I’m so happy that I have never looked back.

I remember feeling so scared, anxious, exhilarated and excited. A whole jumble of mixed emotions with a little bit of fear thrown in. I’m so glad I looked that fear of the unknown or the fear of what if it wasn’t all I hoped it to be in the face and stuck it out. It wasn’t always easy and I’ve definitely learned so much about myself on this journey.

What I do know so far is that Cape Town has been the best thing for me. I am a happier person, a healthier person and if I could sum it up in a word, that word would be content.

It truly is the most beautiful place to live and I love that I am no longer land locked.

I still visit Johannesburg often for work and personal and I feel grateful that I get the best of both worlds, in essence.

When I moved in Autumn going into Winter, everyone said I was crazy! The saying is that if you can survive your first Winter, you’re good to go.

Personally, I don’t know what everyone is talking about. The Winters are not that bad. Sure, they have rainy days and it gets cold, but not as cold as Johannesburg’s icy temperatures. I’ve never had my car ice up in Cape Town, like I have in Johannesburg.

I think Cape Town is just as magical in the Winter – all the wine farms have crackling log fires, red wines and thick blankets. Even seeing the ocean during a grey or stormy day is romantic and moody.

Obviously, a Summer in Cape Town is exceptional and I’m sorry I didn’t get to the beach as much this Summer. It’s only a good sign of how fulfilling work has been.

Cape Town, you are truly my greatest love story! Here’s to the next 2 and more…

PS. My mom drove down with me on the 8th of April, where we stayed in the Karoo and then arrived in Cape Town on the 9th. Today my mom and dad fly in to Cape Town for a visit! I am so excited to have them here, for them to see our new apartment and have them stay with us and just spend time showing them the city I’m in love with!

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