
Weekend Overview

I have really enjoyed the weekend…

It actually started on Thursday night at the Global Party…

I had meetings for it at the venue, 31, with the best views of the city…

Oh and President Obama has arrived in our country – here is one of the many helicopters, part of his security detail…

Later that night….

My boyfriend reading over my notes 😉

On Friday night we went for a Greek dinner and the girls and I got silly… I blame the wine…

On Saturday I was on set of the new Stimorol TV advert… I’ll tell you all about it soon….

I took these photo’s on my way back from being on set –

On Sunday, I finally tried the sock bun thingy majig – I don’t actually know what you call it, but I’ve seen the trend. I also can’t really call it a sock bun when I haven’t used a sock. Sigh.

Do you know what to call it?

I will be doing a tutorial soon. Yes, I know I have loads of tutorials to do. They’re coming, I promise! I am going to record this week.

This was my first attempt and I’m thrilled with how it turned out…

 Off we headed for Max’s 3rd Birthday Soccer party…

 His mom, our good friend Dani, made this incredible cake…

The Raad’s

Oh and guess what Duke did this weekend? My mom told me that he was so exhausted from watching Wimbledon that every time it was on, he would watch the ball and then fall asleep. My mom covered him with her scarf. Cutest ever.

We are half way through the year. Like it or not, 2013 is flying. Let’s make the most of it and make each day count.

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