Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle

Life Lately

Last week, I went to the dentist. My mouth was so numb from anaesthetic that I couldn’t even drink my tea, which normally speeds up the process of the numbness wearing off. I tried to drink it with a straw but I couldn’t get my lips to wrap around it either. I was a hot mess. Literally – tea went everywhere.

Speaking of my beloved tea… I bought this new thermal cup for those cold wintry days we’re going to encounter.

I’ve been taking loads of photos of our phenomenal sunsets. South Africa you really have some of the very best.

Pink Candy floss

Last Thursday I MC’d/welcomed beauty editors and bloggers to the launch of 27Pinkx. It was created in 2012 by two beautiful sisters, Anjum and Khatija Ahmed with the simple mission to bring a little piece of Hollywood luxury to women throughout South Africa.

Confession: When watching Keeping up with The Kardashians a while ago there was a scene where they were in Kim’s bathroom and she had all her make-up in this gorgeous container that just looked so chic. I’d set out on a search and boyfriend came close with finding me something similar (and earning major brownie points for not only listening, but also for searching and finding.)

Now 27Pinkx has the most beautiful storage that is almost identical and I am in love with not only their storage range, but their make-up and make up brushes too.

I want need it all.

We were spoilt and got to take home a big bubble wrapped package of the Mini Organiser. Thank you so much.

You will know when there are bloggers around… There will be a decadent table of the most delicious treats and instead of diving in, everyone will have their cameras or phones out photographing first and then indulging.

Ellen inspired selfies – yes, you know large grouped selfies will be called this now.
Bailey and Jasna

Natalie, Kathryn, Bailey and Leigh (your face is a gem and you are amazing for allowing me to post it. Online.)

After catching up with some of my favourites, I had to rush to the airport to catch a plane to Durban.

I was back to film inserts for the Expresso Show and as always I have a blast.

Carl, Byron, Andrew, Tatum and Bailey

Before we headed back to the airport, we had to stop at the beach quick to dip our toes into the warm Indian Ocean. If only Cape Town had a warm ocean…sigh.

A GoPro selfie that makes my arm look bizarre – hehe

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1 Comment

  • Reply khaliques

    thanks for sharing it!!

    July 25, 2022 at 12:55 pm
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