I am a natural blonde and as such have several countless blonde moments. I’m relieved I have the excuse..
Boy do I use it. Often.
I have been doing my Happiness Is feature for a little while now and have archived emails so that a) I don’t lose them and b) I can use them each week.
I was going through my archive, numbering them for each week, when I came across the one email and started looking at the photos thinking “Hang on a second… why do these faces look so familiar? Wait a minute… It’s The Kennedy sisters!!”
Susana’s little sister Sabrina had emailed me in January with her Happiness Is list. I didn’t even know she read my blog.
Since I spent the weekend with them, I thought I would feature Sabrina this week…
Happiness Is…
1. My Family
– I have been so blessed to have a family that loves and supports me in everything I do.
2. My sisters
– My sisters are the best friends any girl could ask for and they make sure I never forget how to have fun.
3. My Boyfriend Vic
– Vic and I have been dating for 5 years now and I cant imagine a day that I wake up and don’t know he is mine.
4. Dogs
– Dogs in general and especially my dogs always make me feel great.
5. Party Planning
– I absolutely love planning parties and events and catering for them
6. Shoes
-Shoes make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, when I feel down, I either spend some time with my heels, or shop for some more!
7. Cooking and Food
– I love cooking for people and trying new things, and food is generally what everyone needs to make them happy!
8. My blog
– When I need a boost I spend some time blogging and trying to find new amazing blogs. Read her blog here
9. Fashion
– Fashion makes me so happy I could cry! It just pushes my buttons in all the right ways.
10. Following my dream
– I followed my dream of starting my own fashion line this year and I am having so much fun. I now understand what happiness truly is.
Thanks Sabrina for your Happiness Is list … and on a side note, your fashion line is AMAZING!! I’ve already ordered!
If you’d like to send me your Happiness Is… list and photos, I’d love to feature you over the next few weeks. Email me
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