Recipes & Food

Thankful Thursdays: Thoughtful Macaroons

I couldn’t believe it when I got to studio on Tuesday afternoon to find a couriered package waiting for me in reception. I love snail mail and well…couriered mail too 🙂

A month ago I was showing my G photos of Switzerland. Some of the photos were of Macaroons.

These photos… to be exact 😉

These photos were taken in Switzerland, 2006.

I remember them being so delicious… but I’ve never been able to find them again (probably not a bad thing.)

It was such a throw away comment in my little photo tour… so that’s why this is so special to me.

I am beyond thankful to have someone in my life who is amazing, kind and thoughtful…  I am completely and utterly blown away.

He found a little bakery in Durban and had Macaroons couriered up to Johannesburg for me. This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. Each macaroon was specially selected and of course there is a vanilla flavoured one too.

They are absolutely delicious… and I feel like the most special girl in the world.

I love the box that the box of macaroons were protectively placed into… I had a good chuckle.

I was so impressed that they were in tact too… well… not for long! I’ve nearly devoured all of them. They are just soooo good.

G, I have no words. Thank you.

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