Lifestyle, Motherhood

Sibling Visits to Meet George Part 2

When George was just 2 weeks old, my sister Tandi and brother in law, Ross flew down from London to meet their brand new nephew!

We didn’t think we were going to get out of the apartment much – especially after my surgery, but I surprised them and myself by doing an outing a day. It also helped that Georgie was such a champion and was so easy to take everywhere. 

If you missed Part 1, click here.

If we weren’t spending quality time at home, where Tandi and Ross spent time with their nephew and even made us a delicious dinner, we were doing an outing, and I was trying not to overdo it (which is laughable, because while I absolutely LOVE to chill at home, I am also not one to sit still for too long.)

At 14 days old, we went on our biggest adventure … definitely our furthest and longest outing. We piled into the car and drove to Muizenburg, St. James, Kalk Bay and finally Simon’s Town for lunch.

We first stopped at Muizenburg Beach – Surfers Corner. Everytime we have been there, it’s been super windy, so to experience a wind free, warm Winter’s day was excellent.

Ross and Tandi love their photography, so we knew we had to stop at St. James beach with the brightly coloured beach huts.

It was a toss up between stopping in Kalk Bay for lunch or driving slightly further to Simon’s Town for lunch. The latter won.

We walked the small harbour of Simon’s Town, staring at all the boats, trying to spot any ocean life and when our tummy’s grumbled, we made a beeline for Bertha’s. This shot reminds me so much of a side street in Greece…

“Row, row, row your boat…”

We ordered and took in the view of the harbour, as we caught up about their life in London…

Oh and of course, it wasn’t all clear sailing. I made a First Time Mom Fail… To leave the house, whether it’s a simple trip down the road for some groceries or an actual adventure, isn’t as simple anymore.

I checked the nappy bag for everything we needed, but once we were out and needed to change his nappy, I suddenly realized my error. I had filled up the toiletry bag I keep his nappies in, but had forgotten to put it back in the nappy bag and could picture them at home, in the nursery. There we were in Simon’s Town trying to find a store that sold tiny newborn nappies. The only nappies we found were from 0-6kgs. Our 2 week old DROWNED in these huge nappies and whilst changing him in the back of our MINI, he then “Christened it” by pee’ing all over the car. It was pretty hilarious and I’m now extra careful to ensure the nappy bag is packed 100% correctly. New Mom lessons.

On Tandi and Ross’s final day, we went to a wine farm for lunch. We didn’t want to travel too far out, so we chose the Groot Constantia Wine Farm, which was only 25 minutes away, in comparison to most of the others.

This local chap were very welcoming…

The gents ordered the Burgers…

Tandi and I ordered the Pork Belly… Delicious.

Georgie slept through it all again and loud noises don’t seem to bug him at all, which is wonderful. 

We had such an incredible time with Tandi and Ross and the week flew by. I cried so much when they left.

It was really special to see how much they love and adore their nephew. Ross even changed a nappy – extra brownie points. Haha!

The four of us talk daily – we send Georgie updates and general news, all round. I love the bond we all have and even though they live in London, I know Georgie is going to have a wonderful relationship with his Aunt and Uncle (and future cousins ;))


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  • Reply Natalie Openshaw

    Hi Bailey,

    I am ashamed to say that I’ve lost track of your blogs and stories since Georgie was born 🙁
    We were going through our fertility treatment, but our excitement was short-lived as our treatment was unsuccessful. So its back to the saving to pay for the next one (which we’ve been told is our final shot).
    Work has been my sanctuary to keep my mind busy & avoid thinking about the last treatment and questioning myself about it all to find the reason it didn’t work, but there’s been bad days too where I’ve been home – my body’s run out of energy.
    I’ve been booked off sick with acute Bronchitis & Sinusitis.
    Thank you for your beautiful stories, pictures and happy moments.. You’ve kept me inspired. Georgie is one lucky little man to have you & Sox as his parents and he’ll be loved endlessly but everyone he has in his life.
    Much love to you all.

    August 23, 2017 at 9:42 am
  • Reply Caley

    So beautiful Bails – so special to get to spend this time together x

    August 24, 2017 at 1:39 pm
  • Reply Vanilla Blonde - 2017 Recap - Vanilla Blonde

    […] My sister and brother in law flew in from London to meet their nephew and we had quite the adventures! Part 1 and Part 2.  […]

    December 31, 2017 at 8:56 am
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