
Liebster Award

I recently received a blogging award – the fun kind – the kind that comes from a fellow blogger who appreciates other blogs out there.

I’m humbled. Thank you.

Candice Setton writes a very honest blog called Raindrops on Roses and part of the award is answering these questions below…

So here goes:

1. I started blogging because I absolutely love writing and I love photography. It was a creative outlet for me. I wasn’t sure what I would write about at first, I just knew I had to write and I wanted to use photography in it. Vanilla Blonde has become such a joy to me and I’m constantly thinking of what I can blog about, photograph – it’s for my joy, first and it makes me so happy that others enjoy reading it too.

2. My favourite food is my mom’s home cooked Roast Chicken, with her famous roast potatoes, vegetables and home made gravy. Salivating.

3. My favourite pastime would be photography. I absolutely love capturing special moments and places. I also love spending quality time with my family, friends and loved ones. It doesn’t matter where we are, when we are together there is so much love and laughter.

4. I would have to say my favourite destination I have visited so far is Croatia. I went on a trip with my best girlfriends in 2010 and made a life time of memories and bonds with the girls that will have each of us telling those stories when we are grey. Croatia is such a beautiful country. I’ve never seen water so turquoise, met people so down to earth, warm and welcoming and eaten such organic delicious food in my life. Ah, just typing this is making me feel very very nostalgic.

5. There are 2 destinations I long to explore. New York is at the top of my travel wish list and I can’t wait to explore the city. The next place is Greece. My friends and I have been talking about Greece for a while now – the history, the culture, the food, the night life, the beaches… sigh.

 Images taken from my Pinterest Travel Wish List

6. This is always a tough question to answer. If I had to change things, I often think it would alter my story today and who I am. They always say one shouldn’t live with regrets, but let’s get real; we all have things in our lives that we wish we could change. To answer the question, there is one relationship I wish I hadn’t been in and especially not for so long, however, everything happens for a reason and it made me stronger, it made me grow and learn and so it goes back to the question – would I truly change it? Vicious circle question this one.

7. If today were my last day, I would…  as cliche as this sounds, it comes down to what really counts in life and that is ensuring every person in my life knows how important they are, how much I love them and how I appreciate everything about them and who they are. I’d thank them and show my gratitude for my life. The reality is, why wait for your “last day” – we never really know when that will be, so start now.

8. The one thing that will always make me smile no matter – Duke. This dog is the most special soul I have ever had the priviledge of meeting. I am so grateful he is in my life and he makes me laugh every time I see him (face to face or on FaceTime). Tea makes me smile too, so do my friends, my family and the ocean.

9. The goals I have for this year – crazy to think we only have 6 months left – it’s just to keep ensuring I have a healthy lifestyle, to have my career in media, radio and TV consistently grow both in Johannesburg and Cape Town. To have my new social media company grow steadily too. To improve myself physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally etc.

10. The habit I wish I never had is…over analyzing. I tend to over think things and it can be so silly and time consuming. I’ve improved a lot, but I have to stop myself every now and then and live in the now!

These images come from my Pinterest Motivation Board

11. Physically, I love my eyes and then personally, I love my integrity. I am a good person with the best intentions. I never set out to hurt anyone ever and I always try to do the right thing, even if it is the harder choice. Being the bigger person isn’t always easy, but it’s for the best.

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