There are so many things to be thankful for. All the little things, that truly are the big things.
I’m thankful for the sweet, funny messages I receive.
I’m thankful for the encouraging words.
I’m thankful for a cup of tea brought to me when I really need one.
I’m thankful for the special people in my life. The people I have already and the people I’ve met and will meet.
I’m thankful for warm clothes, blankets and comfort.
I’m thankful for Duke who makes me giggle and for his soft puppy breath on my neck when we cuddle. Yes, he still has puppy breath after 5 months. May it long continue.
I’m thankful for music that speaks to my soul… and also makes me dance around with a hair brush or sing loudly to in the shower.
I’m thankful for creativity and the freedom to explore it.
I’m thankful for strength and grace to get me through anything life throws at me.
I’m thankful for a body that is healthy and getting stronger each day. I took it for granted before.
I’m thankful for the support I’ve received on my new show at 2Oceansvibe radio. It makes me emotional. Thank you for tuning in.
I’m thankful for everyone who reads this blog. I wish you knew how much I truly appreciate you taking the time to read it (and even comment.)
What are you thankful for?
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