
Talking Duke

This little boy melts my heart every single day. I know everyone says the same thing about their dogs and it’s absolutely true – they are another family member and have such human qualities it’s adorable.

Duke gets bigger each day, but his face stays puppy like for me and I know I’ll always refer to him as a “puppy” even when he’s not. He’s 5 months and an absolute beast already.

I have been wanting to film his funny noises, cries and talking for a while now and I finally got the opportunity one morning.

To set the scene for the video, I went to visit my parents and he goes everywhere I go… I was on the couch working on my laptop and he wanted a cuddle.

I ask him questions and he answers me… Modest questions, like: “Do you love your mom?”



He also lets me know when he wants to cuddle. He will cry and “talk” especially when he can’t get onto my lap. Such a baby. He is a proper Mona Lisa/Drama King.

His sounds/whimpers are quite pathetic but I find them ridiculously cute and funny. I laugh. A lot.

Are you still taking photos?
Aw c’mon – enough already!
Fiiine!! I can see you’re not going to stop.
If I close my eyes maybe she’ll stop.


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