Browsing Tag:


  • Stoupa, Greece

    After our 5 hour bus journey, we arrived at the coastal town of Stoupa, where we stayed for 5 days….

    / October 4, 2016
  • Selinia, Greece

    Our flight from Zurich to Athens, took 2 hours and 50 minutes. We arrived as the sun was setting and…

    / September 26, 2016
  • Switzerland Part 3

    We drove, Sox concentrating hard on staying on the right side of the road and me following Google Maps and…

    / September 20, 2016
  • Switzerland Part 2

    Switzerland absolutely amazes me. It is so clean and pristine. In the Summer, the Alps look like someone has carpeted…

    / September 19, 2016
  • London Day 2

    Day 2. I woke up with pretty sore legs. I am not used to walking this much. In SA, we…

    / September 9, 2016

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