
Life Lately: Afternoons in the Winter Sunshine

We have really been making the most of the Winter sunshine. With the Winter Solstice happening just over a month ago, we’re now a little closer to Summer.

I realise I’m about to jinx things now just by typing this, but the weather lately has been beautiful. *Cue the cold front.*

It’s still Winter, don’t get me wrong, but when the sun comes out it’s the perfect opportunity to not waste it and get out into the (masked) fresh air with the boys. We are all better in nature; and after being in lockdown in an apartment, we’ve promised to never take outings for granted again.

I wanted to share a few of our recent outings over the last few weeks, collectively in one post, so that I can save this as a memory.

The Promenade (Bantry Bay, Sea Point, Mouille Point):

Please note the one sock on and one sock off. Shame. Second child syndrome right here. 

This is a first… George fell asleep within 2 minutes of being in the car driving to the prom. So instead of popping Alexi in his pram, we popped the 3 year old in the pram. Thankfully Sox had his Baby Bjorn carrier in the car. I got quite a workout pushing Georgie, that’s for sure!

I love this… George was literally running away from the spray!

My sister, Tandi and BIL, Ross, bought us the attachment called the Valco Hitchhiker that goes on our Valco Pram. It allows our toddler to stand on the back and be pushed along and it’s been great! 

Camps Bay:

We went for a coffee / babyccino at Cafe Caprice – it felt really good to enjoy a restaurant for a change, even if it was socially distanced. We sat up top and had that whole section to ourselves.

I love this pic below… George took it himself. 

After feeding Alexi his solids and finishing up our coffees, we took a stroll along the beach front as the sun started setting. We also saw the most beautiful sand art with inspiring messages. 

George spotted the heart hanging between the trees and he said: “Look Mommy, a heart! That means I love you, you know?”

Big Bay:

I took this quickly out the windshield of the car as we drove to Big Bay… It was a pearler of a day (even though it was actually quite nippy.)
Can you see us?

Hout Bay:

Both times we’ve driven to Hout Bay to see the seals and take a walk along the docks, the boys have fallen asleep in the car. We always stop to grab a coffee (and a choc croissant treat for Georgie) and he falls asleep, half way through eating it.

The police were so sweet to George and Max – they put the flashing lights on, let them look at the inside of the police car and even allowed the boys to wear the police badge around their necks. They made 2 little boys very happy. 

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1 Comment

  • Reply Caley

    LOVE all these pics Bails – I always look forward to your prom walk photos.
    What a beautiful country we live in x

    August 2, 2020 at 4:27 pm
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