I’m so sorry my blog posts have been sporadic. Life lately has been a whirlwind of work (and I’m pretty exhausted.)
I don’t know about you, but I am feeling drained. I need a break. I need a holiday.
I also don’t want to harp on that because I’m not getting one any time soon; so the sooner I pull my big girl panties on, the better.
I ensured that I was extra busy (what the hell was I thinking?!) because I knew it would make the 2 weeks Sox and his mates are in Las Vegas, fly by.
Well, that’s exactly what has happened! He returns on Wednesday and I can’t wait!
It’s so funny though… when he went away, I thought: Right, time to get in as many girly face masks and bubble baths as possible. Time to have as many girls nights out as possible.
Um, about that…
I’ve done one me-time pamper sessions and only one girls night IN!
I didn’t need the reminder, but I’m glad for it. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. It was also a reminder that I don’t need Sox in my life, but I definitely want him in my life. Life is better with him in it and I can’t wait to have him back home!
So, what have I been doing?
I MC’d the book launch for the Real Meal’s Raising Superheroes book. Professor Tim Noakes, Jonno Proudfoot and Bridget Surtees were all there to speak, answer questions and sign books.
I even shared my Banting experience. I find it so nerve wrecking to get up infront of people and speak about myself. It’s so vulnerable.
I can stand on a stage and MC to thousands of people, no problem. Speak about myself? I’m all shaky and palm sweaty.
The next few pics are taken from Food 24’s Snapchat…
I have also been filming for the Expresso morning show… I haven’t been on the live morning shows, but I have filmed inserts.
Tatum, Brian, Owen and I head off to Muizenberg to do some Land Sailing. Ironically, when we film we are always begging for good weather and NO wind! On that day, we were praying for wind and sadly we had very little.
In a way it was good because it meant I eased into land sailing, instead of flying down the beach and being sandblasted.
It was SO MUCH FUN and you should check out Blokart if you want to do it too.
In other news, I joined the 4-eye team. I recently went for an eye test and need to wear glasses when I’m on the computer.
I decided on the James Bensen Taylor grey ombre frames and I swear I feel smarter when I wear them.
I also had a really exciting meeting with a company that brings out a magazine every quarter. It looks like I’ll be on the cover of their next issue!
How awesome is their office view? I would move in tomorrow.
In other news, I’m still sugar free (#SugarFreeSeptember) and have been working out – although it’s a major challenge for me, especially because I’m tired and sometimes the last thing I want to do is train.
I always feel victorious when I do though.
I’m still doing the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide (even though I’m a few weeks behind) and I even made a Sweat 1000 class.
Here is my “office”… Hard Pressed Cafe, who make the BEST coffee (and salads, and Banting treats.)
Oh and if you follow me on Snapchat (BaileyVanilla), you will have seen my alien looking videos/snaps.
Snapchat has a new thing called lenses and they’re pretty creepy and funny! I sent these to Sox:
1. The teary missing you shot…
2. You’ve been gone for so long, I’ve grown old.
Is this not absolutely frightening?
I hope you’re all good and thanks for having patience with my sporadic posts. I promise I’ll get better!
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