I felt like doing something a little different with my hair and since we are slowly but surely getting into Summer; (come on CT – it’s like the only place in South Africa that isn’t having a heat wave) I thought I’d go back to being light blonde!
I headed over to my happy place – Scar Hair, where Brittny was waiting to make the change. I’m so happy with Olaplex – I’ve written about it before. It allows you to bleach your hair without damaging the hair at all. Hooray!
So here was my hair when I arrived…
They started adding colour to my hair and then did a process called “Milking”… like milking a cow, but on my hair. Hard to explain, but I’m sure you get the idea.
After the whole process my hair needed a toner just to get rid of any of the yellow.
Here was where the adventure came in… I had 20 minutes to get to my show and the toner needed 20 minutes.
Brittny had mixed a treatment in with the toner and made a decision to apply it to my hair, let me rush and do my show and then wait for me (after hours, I might add) to get back and get rid of the toner (and potentially any purple.)
She gave me a towel to put around my shoulders so that no toner would get onto my clothes and off I ran.
I was so nervous and giggling at all the stares and double takes I was getting as I walked to my car, drove and then walked into the radio station. All I can say is thank goodness it was radio and not TV.
I hadn’t thought about how I was going to wear my headphones, so I had to wear them upside down and do my best not to get any toner on them.
Half way through the Drive show I got a funny message from Brittny to ask if I still had hair on my head.
Haha – it made me think of that Cuppa Soup advert where the hairdresser leaves those foils on for too long and her hair ends up falling out. Remember it?
At 6pm, I rushed out of there in a blonde/purple blur… Poor Brittny was waiting for me in the empty salon.
I was so impressed with the colour. My hair didn’t go purple and it actually looked and felt soft, shiny and super blonde.
Britt and I were laughing that all blondies were going to want 3 hour toner sessions now.
Look at that smile… I still have hair! Haha!
I’m absolutely in love with this light blonde – it feels fresh and bright!
It also makes me feel a little like Frozen’s Elsa, especially with my love of braids.
Here’s a crown of dutch braids I did yesterday…
I just want to thank Brittny for the laughs, the adventure and for staying after hours to help me out! Scar Hair always goes over and above expectations and I’m so grateful!
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